I started out just like everyone else – playing PC games

Gabriela Lukacova
24 Nov 2023 | 5 min read

Software Developer

Meet Števo, a talented Software Developer whose journey into the world of IT began with a childhood passion for PC gaming. He became part of our Unique People family right after university, in 2015. He started his career as a WordPress Developer. Over the years, Števo's role has transformed, shifting from WordPress to crafting tailored web applications from the scratch as a Fullstack Developer. In this exclusive interview, Števo shares insights into his journey with Unique People, his current projects, aspirations in AI, and what he envisions for the future of IT. Join us in getting to know him and feel free to get inspired.

How did you get to IT?

I started out just like everyone else – playing PC games. Gradually, I started to think of ways a student of elementary/high school can earn some money using a PC. I started learning HTML, CSS, and some basics of JavaScript and I enjoyed it. This is how I found out in high school where I wanted to go in my career and I chose FEI TUKE, Computer Science.

How did you get to Unique People and when did you start working for us?

In fact, I started working at Unique People right after college, so it's been a while (since 2015). I chose Unique People because I´d wanted to work as a Web Developer, so I had been looking for a position of this kind. Unique People offered me the position of WordPress Developer, which I accepted. First year, I was more or less working on existing websites. One year later, the company cooperated with Promiseo and created the former company ProUP, which merged developers from Promiseo and Unique People and practically Unique People merges them to this day. New challenges have come, custom WordPress websites/e-shops and e-shops built on PrestaShop. Gradually, my career moved away from WordPress, and I started to build tailored web applications from the scratch as a Fullstack Developer, which had mostly the same denominators within the tech stack (Laravel and Angular/React).


What do you like the most at Unique People?

I have always liked working here, the team is very friendly, so that´s great. Opportunities for cooperation that company offers and provides are what I like the most about Unique People. Especially, I would highlight outsourcing. Currently, I have been outsourced to a client for almost 3 years (in full satisfaction), but I still enjoy being at Unique People and since we have new offices, I like it even more 😊.

Especially, I would highlight outsourcing. Currently, I have been outsourced to a client for almost 3 years (in full satisfaction), but I still enjoy being at Unique People and since we have new offices, I like it even more.

What are you working on right now?

As I mentioned, I have been outsourced to client´s projects for a while now. I work for the client as a Senior Frontend Developer, where I participate in the development of applications. Their frontend part is based on React.js technology. Applications are written in TypeScript. The JSS framework is used for styling and state management is operated by Redux. I use Jest for unit tests.

If I have some extra time, I help my colleagues as a Fullstack in the development of the monetization system used by the Slovak daily paper. This is where we work with Laravel and Postgres DB. Frontend is based on Angular.


What was the most interesting thing you worked on at UP?

Until I was outsourced, I worked on smaller projects at Unique People, and it was my dream to work in React.js technology, which I achieved. The biggest challenge, however, was to design and create a crowdfunding platform for the Slovak daily paper. The solution was developed as open source, with a grant from Google and with customization for the client's needs. As a result, the application contains a core part, which is written in Laravel and contains overall logic, user management, support, and payments with the possibility of automated regular support, campaigns, newsletters management and many others. It also includes the Dashboard Frontend App, which has an overview and analytical character for the administrator, in it he can create visual campaigns that are displayed on the webpage of the daily paper.

The challenging part of this project was that we developed such a robust product as two developers who also functioned as analysts and solution architects. We needed to understand the whole background and see it through the eyes of the client. It was a great experience, but it was not optimal. It lacked a senior architect at the time who would supervise it all. Nevertheless, we were able to hand over a functional product in about 9 months. It is still running and being developed (various functionalities are being added, according to the client's needs).

Do you have any IT-related dreams? A technology you would like to work with, or a special project you would like to participate in?

I would like to get to AI (artificial intelligence). I am planning to start with Python gradually (at least in the form of studies in my leisure time). I wonder how it will go.


What do you see in the IT future?

AI is the future. More and more automation, not only in the manufacturing industry, but also directly in IT – machine learning which will lead to perfect programming and testing of applications.

What do you consider to be the highlight of your career?

I hope that the peak of my career is yet to come, but there are some milestones that I would point out:

- University

- Starting a job at Unique People

- Web Application Programming

- My current position

Who or what inspires you?

When there are right people around me - I am a team player and I have to say that I am (so far) lucky for the people I work with, and they inspire me a lot.

Tell us something interesting about yourself. What are your hobbies, what do you do in your free time?

I am happily married, and we have 2 children – twins, five-year old girls. They fill my free time very well. 😊

I am trying to have an active week also in terms of sports – I go jogging, playing squash or swimming on an irregular basis. I like to ride a bike and occasionally go hiking. In the winter, I enjoy skying, or I appreciate reading a good book.

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